Saturday, October 11, 2014

Facts Change in the Light of Truth

Every notice how facts change in the light of truth.  For years it was believed that the earth was flat and that belief was considered a fact until is was discovered that the world was round.  Just imagine how the people of that time conformed their lives to the belief the earth was flat and even some were afraid to venture to far for fear of falling off the edge of the world!

How about the fact that it was considered healthier to eat margarine than butter and now we know the opposite is true.  Think of how many people replaced butter with margarine in their diets in light of that belief.

Remember when eggs were considered very bad because of high cholesterol.  A lot of people eliminated eggs from their diets because of that belief.  Now research suggest that they are not bad at all, and they are actually healthy for you.  

What I'm alluding to is this, you conform your life to facts you believe to be true and when you conform your life around beliefs that are not true you limit your possibilities.  You see, belief in a fact, true or false holds your life within the limits of that belief.  Thus, I employ you to examine the facts and beliefs that you allow to take root in your mind.

Jesus, said two very simple things many years ago, "It is done unto you as you believe", and "you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."  Now those are two facts that will never change.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

You Are a Branch of the Tree of Life

Are there times in your life that you feel alone and helpless and you don't know where to turn for answers?  Here's a simple analogy to help you get through those times.

Think of a tree, imagine the most magnificent tree you've ever seen.  The branches and leaves are a part of that tree, they are an expression of the tree's beauty.  The branches and the leaves are nourished by the tree and it would foolish of them to look outside of the tree for any need.

Likewise, you are a branch of the Divine Tree of Life.  Thus, the glory and beauty of the Divine is expressed through you.  You are an intimate part of the Divine Tree of Life so, in those difficult times, just turn within to the Tree for nourishment because looking anywhere else would be foolish.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Ever Felt Like This?

Ever feel as if there is no purpose to your life and each day is just the same as yesterday?  Do you feel as if you struggle through life while others have it so easy?  Ever ask yourself why am I trying so hard and nothing seems to go right for me?  What about that empty feeling you have and nothing you do seems to satisfy it?  Ever watch the news and think that if God is real why is the world so messed up?

If you’ve ever felt any of those things above you are not alone.  Everyone struggles at times to find meaning in their lives.  If you’ve ever felt like you are on a journey and you have no idea of where it will end then read on.

Some people seem to breeze through life as if they have a guide that’s always showing them the easy way.  There is such a guide and a way of living that will bring you peace and harmony in all aspects of your life, for there is a Loving Intelligent Life Force that permeates all life.  It is the Invisible Force that animates and governs all we see from the movement of the heavenly bodies, to the changing of the seasons, to the beating of your heart.  Some call this Life Force God, some call it Spirit, and others call it Universal Life.  No matter what you call it, you must realize that it is Everywhere Present, All Knowing, and All Powerful in order to fully benefit from It in your life.  This Life Force animates, maintains, and sustains you.  It’s the intelligence that orchestrates the billions of interactions that happen in your body each day that keeps you alive..

You have unlimited access to this awesome Life Force through your consciousness.  As a matter of fact, this Life Force beacons for your recognition of it.  It stands always ready to come to your aid, but it won’t come unless invited.  It knows how to guide you easily and harmoniously in accomplishing all your task, great and small.

You exist as an expression of this great Life Force as spirit, mind, and body and in order to live a fulfilled and joyful life you must recognize and balance these three aspects of your life.  For, there is a rhythm to life that once entered and maintained in makes things flow easily and harmoniously with little stress and strain.  The object of this book is to help you find and remain in that rhythm of life.

“All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made.  In Him was life; and the life was the light of men.”  John 1:3-4.

Friday, July 25, 2014

You are Designed for Success

Have you ever thought about all the wonderful things that happen within your body to sustain your life?  In every breath you take there is an exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your lungs, in every beat of your heart blood is circulated throughout your entire body, in just the movement of your fingers millions of nerve impulses happen instantaneously.   All the billions of interactions that take place within your body each minute of every day is mind blowing and they all happen without your conscious effort.

Now think about this, would a God that took the time to design such a complex and wonderful creation as you ever want you to live an ordinary life?  No, you are God's gift to the world, designed by It's hand to live an extraordinary life.  You are made for success, why else are you so magnificently created?

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

In What Do You Trust

Recently, I was sitting outside and enjoying a beautiful sunrise,  I could feel the warmth of the sun rays on my face bathing me in a spirit of peace and harmony.  All was good with the world in that moment.  Then, it occurred to me that I didn't have to put forth any effort to make the sun to rise and enjoy it's warmth.

Ever think about how the sun rises and sets without your effort and if for only one day the sun did not rise all life on earth would die.  There is an universal Loving Intelligence which governs the rising and the setting of the sun without any help from you and I.  This same Loving Intelligence created you and I out of Itself and will govern our lives just as It causes the sun to rise and set if we trust in It.

But, being human you and I think that we know best how to run our lives, so we struggle and strain to force our way in the world while there is a Loving Intelligence that patiently awaits to guide us effortlessly through life.  All we have to do is to totally trust in It, just as we trust the sun to rise each day.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Be Still

This morning I awoke with that anxious feeling.  My mind was full of chatter, "what am I doing in life?, where am I going with my life?, am I good enough?...."  Then I picked up one of my favorite books on meditation, went outside, and set in one of my favorite quiet places to read.  As I read I became conscious of my union with God and the more I focused on that unity the quieter the mind chatter became and the less anxious I felt.

Finally, I came to a place of complete quietness and my anxiety, and the mind chatter ceased.  Then I could hear the voice of God reassure me that all was okay and His grace was always sufficient for me.  Just as this revelation came to me I saw a robin land from above and pickup a worm for it's breakfast and I knew if God provided for a bird, He surly had provisions for me.

I was completely at peace now, filled with the consciousness of God's love and protection which can only be found in that quiet place within, which says "be still and know that I am God."  So, when you are filled with anxiety and your mind is racing with all kinds of fear, just go to that quiet place, meditate on your unity with God and be still.

Friday, July 18, 2014

The Answer is in Letting Go

Do you often you find yourself struggling to maintain something in your life whether it be your income, your health, or a relationship.  This means you are trying to do things through your own human effort.  You grit our teeth and try to plow right through the situation.  There is an easier way to live, it's called letting go and letting God.

Even Jesus, the Master Teacher said, "of myself I can do nothing, it is the Father in me that does the work."  You see Jesus knew just as all great spiritual masters know, the Power that created the Universe, and causes the sun to rise and set also created you and I.  This Loving Intelligence we call God will maintain and sustain us if we but let It do so.

Have you ever struggled with an issue for so long that it wore you down and you threw up you hands and gave up, and shortly thereafter the problem was magically solved.  That's because you gave up on solving the problem through your own human effort and you let it go and the moment you let go, God revealed the perfect answer.

You see God is your loving Father who will govern, guard, and guide you in all you do when you let go of the need to do things your way.  So, when you find yourself struggling with the problems of life, just let go and let God.