Sunday, July 20, 2014

Be Still

This morning I awoke with that anxious feeling.  My mind was full of chatter, "what am I doing in life?, where am I going with my life?, am I good enough?...."  Then I picked up one of my favorite books on meditation, went outside, and set in one of my favorite quiet places to read.  As I read I became conscious of my union with God and the more I focused on that unity the quieter the mind chatter became and the less anxious I felt.

Finally, I came to a place of complete quietness and my anxiety, and the mind chatter ceased.  Then I could hear the voice of God reassure me that all was okay and His grace was always sufficient for me.  Just as this revelation came to me I saw a robin land from above and pickup a worm for it's breakfast and I knew if God provided for a bird, He surly had provisions for me.

I was completely at peace now, filled with the consciousness of God's love and protection which can only be found in that quiet place within, which says "be still and know that I am God."  So, when you are filled with anxiety and your mind is racing with all kinds of fear, just go to that quiet place, meditate on your unity with God and be still.

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