Tuesday, July 22, 2014

In What Do You Trust

Recently, I was sitting outside and enjoying a beautiful sunrise,  I could feel the warmth of the sun rays on my face bathing me in a spirit of peace and harmony.  All was good with the world in that moment.  Then, it occurred to me that I didn't have to put forth any effort to make the sun to rise and enjoy it's warmth.

Ever think about how the sun rises and sets without your effort and if for only one day the sun did not rise all life on earth would die.  There is an universal Loving Intelligence which governs the rising and the setting of the sun without any help from you and I.  This same Loving Intelligence created you and I out of Itself and will govern our lives just as It causes the sun to rise and set if we trust in It.

But, being human you and I think that we know best how to run our lives, so we struggle and strain to force our way in the world while there is a Loving Intelligence that patiently awaits to guide us effortlessly through life.  All we have to do is to totally trust in It, just as we trust the sun to rise each day.

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