Friday, July 11, 2014

The Spiritual Law of Detachment

The Law of Detachment says not to be attached to the material things in your life, be it person, place or thing.  For you give your power to whatever it is you are attached to.  When you are attached to anything you spend your efforts trying to hold onto the thing you are attached to.  You place your trust and security in a thing and not in your Inner-Self which is the only place lasting security can be found.

Real security is in your connection with your Inner-Self which knows how to manifest and provide for your every need.  As previously stated in the Law of Cause and Effect, the things that surround your life are manifestations of your thoughts and beliefs.  Thus as you change your thought patterns and beliefs the things in your life change accordingly.  Therefore, things are temporal, corresponding to your level of consciousness of the Divine’s limitless substance and supply.

The Divine is always ready, willing and able to meet your every need in life, but It can only give you what you are ready to receive.  Thus, when you become attached to something, you keep your consciousness at the level of the thing you are attached to and you stifle your growth.  You see, when you place your security in a person, place, or thing you limit your access to Divine substance and supply because you hold your consciousness in a static place.

For example, some people are attached to money and they spend most of their time and effort trying to keep it and to accumulate more of it.  But no matter how much money they accumulate they are not secure because they are always afraid of losing it.  They place their faith in the amount of money they have in their financial investments and spend their time worrying about every fluctuation in the financial markets.  They become a prisoner of their attachment to money.

Another example is people who are attached to a luxurious lifestyle.  These are the people who live in the huge beautiful homes, drive the luxury cars, and send their children to the best private schools.   They have accumulated everything that should make for a happy life, but most of them not.  They are unhappy in their marriages, unhappy in their careers, or unhappy with the business they have created and they are unwilling to change anything for fear of losing the lifestyle they have created.  They are prisoners of a false sense of security and have traded their happiness for the symbols of material success.

I’m not advocating that you should not enjoy having money, and the luxuries of life.  I’m saying that you can have the money, the lifestyle, and happiness too if you practice the Law of Detachment.  Happiness is found in the right relationship to things in your life.  The Divine wants you to have a happy, healthy, and fulfilled life.  However, you can never find these qualities in material things, for these qualities come from an inner knowing that you have access to a Divine Power that fulfills and meets your every need.

I believe you are born with a special gift inside of you.  There is something that you can do better than anyone else in the world and when you reach inside yourself and give that special gift to the world you are happy and fulfilled.  The security you are looking for is contained in the giving of your gift and you cannot release your talents while being attached to temporal things because you will spend all your energy trying to keep things as they are.

As crazy as this may sound, the only security you will find in life is in uncertainty and non-attachment.   When you are certain that a thing is your salvation, you lock your consciousness at that level and you live your life within the limited boundaries you have created for yourself.  On the other hand, there is unlimited possibility in uncertainty and non-attachment, for the Divine in you is saying all that I have is yours and you can have all that you are conscious of receiving.

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