Friday, July 18, 2014

The Answer is in Letting Go

Do you often you find yourself struggling to maintain something in your life whether it be your income, your health, or a relationship.  This means you are trying to do things through your own human effort.  You grit our teeth and try to plow right through the situation.  There is an easier way to live, it's called letting go and letting God.

Even Jesus, the Master Teacher said, "of myself I can do nothing, it is the Father in me that does the work."  You see Jesus knew just as all great spiritual masters know, the Power that created the Universe, and causes the sun to rise and set also created you and I.  This Loving Intelligence we call God will maintain and sustain us if we but let It do so.

Have you ever struggled with an issue for so long that it wore you down and you threw up you hands and gave up, and shortly thereafter the problem was magically solved.  That's because you gave up on solving the problem through your own human effort and you let it go and the moment you let go, God revealed the perfect answer.

You see God is your loving Father who will govern, guard, and guide you in all you do when you let go of the need to do things your way.  So, when you find yourself struggling with the problems of life, just let go and let God.

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