The Law of Cause and Effect, (also known as the Law of
Attraction) basically says that there is an invisible cause(thoughts and
beliefs) behind every effect (condition or circumstance) in your life, and in
order to change the condition or circumstance you must change the thought and
belief first.
You live within two
planes, an inner world of your thoughts and beliefs and an outer world of
conditions and circumstance in your life.
The conditions and circumstances of your outer world are always an
out-picturing of your inner world of thoughts and beliefs. The Law of Cause and Effect is always in
balance in your life, thus, your can’t experience an effect in your life
without an underlying cause.
The conditions and circumstances of your life, be they
disease, poverty, or inharmonious relationships can never be changed in the
outer world of their appearance, they can only be changed in the inner world of
your thoughts and beliefs. In your inner
world of thoughts and beliefs is where you create the conditions of your life
and it is the only place where you can change them.
Most people live their lives responding to events and
conditions that they created themselves via their thinking and belief
system. Example, you get into a fight
with your best friend about some situation that ends your friendship. So, you think you don’t need them in your
life and you move on. Eventually you
find another best friend and after some time you have a fight with them about
the same issue and end that friendship also.
You go through a series of finding friendships just to have them end
over the same situation and you think that no one understands you. You think the problem is with your friends
while all the time you have created the condition somewhere in your mind that
ends your friendship.
The example above could be any other situation that you
repeatedly find yourself in, be it poverty, poor health, or low
self-esteem. The solution cannot be
found in trying to change the situation at the level of its appearance, you
just get more of the same recycled in different venues. Somewhere in your inner thought and belief
system you are giving life to the situation.
But, you say “I would never intentionally bring any bad situation into
my life.” However, you do through your
misuse of the Law of Cause and Effect.
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