Thursday, July 10, 2014

Using the Law of Cause and Effect for Your Benefit

SPIRIT (Photo credit: MarianOne)

In my previous post I talked about the spiritual law of Cause and Effect.  In this post I will explain how to use this law for your benefit.

The first thing you must do to use the Law of Cause and Effect to create the things in your life that you desire is very sobering.  You have to realize that you are responsible for every condition in your life be it labeled good or bad.  The conditions and circumstances that presently surround you are a sum total of your inner thoughts and beliefs.  Thus, you are never a victim of anything that appears in your life, because you have called whatever it is into your life via your inner thoughts and beliefs.

I know the above statements are hard to digest, but they must be in order to use the Law of Cause and Effect intelligently in your life.  God has given you the power to create the world that you live in by giving you the capacity to think.  Contained within a thought is the energy to create the things thought of.  You are always thinking and thus always creating and giving life to your thoughts.  The problem is that most people are not conscious of this truth and think random thoughts and create random conditions in their lives and believe they are the victims of random circumstances and conditions.  The irony is they created the conditions themselves and then they try to change the conditions at the level of their appearance and thus, create more of the condition.

Think of it like this, you are the writer, producer, and director of a play called Your Life.  You write the script, you set the scenes, and cast all the characters in this play through your thoughts and beliefs.  Every person in the play of life is only reading from the script that you wrote for them.  Every situation that happens in your life is from the script you have already written in your mind.  The good news is if you don’t like the play you can re-write the script at any time.

Nothing happens randomly in your life.  Everything that you experience you have written as a part of your script in your thoughts and beliefs.  Therefore, it is pointless to try to fight against circumstances that you created, just as it is pointless trying to make your reflection in a mirror smile while you are frowning.  The experiences of your life are only a reflection of your inner thoughts and beliefs.

Meditation and Self-contemplation

In order to use the Law of Cause and Effect to create harmony in your life you have to learn to quiet your mind and control your thoughts.  Your mind is constantly bombarded with thoughts.  While you cannot stop thinking you can control the thoughts, for you are the thinker and gate keeper of the thoughts you allow to enter your mind.

You learn to control your thoughts through the regular practice of sitting in silence.  Some people call this meditation, I call it self-contemplation.  This is the most proven way to access your spiritual energy which is your true identity.  Your spiritual energy will always reveal truth in your life showing you errors in your thoughts and beliefs which materialize as inharmonious conditions in your life.
Sitting in silence can be very difficult at first, because your mind is filled with chatter and you are constantly jumping from one thought to another.  Thoughts are like little children competing for your attention, they say “look at me, look at me” and you have to train yourself to only pay attention to the thoughts you want in your mind.   Don’t get discouraged.  The mental practice of silence is just like physical exercise, you get stronger and better at it the more you do it.  Here are some techniques for learning to control your thoughts.

  • Go to a quiet place where you will not be interrupted for about 30 minutes.  Sit upright in a comfortable chair.  Close your eyes, take deep controlled breathes, and slowly count backwards from 100 to zero.  The counting will cause your mind to focus on the numbers and shut out any other distracting thoughts.

  •  Go to a quiet place where you will not be interrupted for about 30 minutes.  Sit upright in a comfortable chair.  Close your eyes, take deep controlled breathes, and think about your favorite outdoor spot.  It could be the beach, the mountains, or watching a beautiful sunset.  Imagine that you are physically at your favorite place. Visualize hearing the birds singing, feeling the sun on your skin, hearing the sound of the waves crashing on-shore.   The object is to training your mind to focus on one thought at a time.

  • Take a relaxing walk in nature.  Listen to the birds singing, marvel at the beauty of the trees, flowers, and plant life.  Again, the object is to train your mind to focus on one thought.

  • My favorite technique for quieting my mine is to read some inspirational passage and then to contemplate it’s meaning.

You will find that once you become efficient at quieting your mind, things start to be revealed to you.  It could be the solution to some situation that you’ve been struggling with, or the vision doing some project that would be very fulfilling.  The things revealed to you in these times of silence comes from the core of your existence, from your unity with the Divine and you can trust that it is right for you.

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